Saturday, June 14, 2008

China-born Catholic priests in Sarawak

The Catholic Church in Sarawak (or East Malaysia) was started by the Mill Hill Missionary based in London during the reign of the Second Rajah. Unlike the Catholic priests in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore who are mostly French missionaries, most of them in Sarawak were or are Europeans from Austria and the Netherlands.

However, before the ordination of local Chinese as Catholic priest, most of the Chinese Catholic priest were China-born. I remember a few of them serving in Sibu such as the late Father Joachim Pang and Father Anthony Lam as well as Father Thomas Taam. There was also a Father Kee who after staying for some time in Sarawak could not adapt to the local climate (his nose bled frequently) and decided to move to South Korea.

They arrived in Sarawak in the 1950's through Hong Kong at a time when China was undergoing a turbulent period. They were mostly in their 20's at that time and many died here and never returned to their homeland.

One of the China-born priests I remember well was Father Joachim Pang. Father Pang has a keen interest in Chinese education and helped developed Sacred Heart Chinese Primary School in Sibu and St Paul's Primary School in Kuching.

Born on June 16, 1921, in Changchou, Province of Jilin, northeast China, he was the only son in a family of four siblings, including three younger sisters. He attended the seminary of Jilin but after the war in 1945, the seminary was closed down due to lack of funds. So, he took up a teaching post in a mission school in the same province for two years. Despite the turbulent times in China, Pang managed to complete his priestly studies and on July 6, 1952, was ordained in Hong Kong. At that time, the Vicar Apostolic of Kuching, Bishop John Vos, requested the rector of Huanan Major Seminary to send some Chinese priests to Sarawak. Father Pang chose Sarawak as the place to start his ministry. On July 17, 1952, he arrived at St Joseph’s Church in Kuching.


I Am Sarawakiana said...

Indeed very good write up on Father Pang.

I would like to do a write up on Brother Albinus. Can you help?

Anonymous said...

As Brother Albinus is quite a private person, only those close to him will know him well. I only know him from the outside. However, it will be my pleasure to help.

I Am Sarawakiana said...

I have already a good collection of interesting things about him, from my school days, and when I was a teacher I held him in awe and admiration.

He has indeed help so many people in Sibu and Kuching. No AMN or other decorations would be enough.

His contributions has really been great.

Can you just send a recent photo and his Kuching abode /school to this address :

thank you.

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of Brother Albinus and his Kuching adobe/school as I have never keep in touch with him.

One thing I know is that Brother Albinus like to have his afternoon siesta (1 pm to 3 pm).

I look forward to your stories on him.

I Am Sarawakiana said...

Remember the Movie Liu San Chieh?
The students were all talking and whispering about Sister Liu and the Brothers thought that there was a new nun in town.

They asked a friend of mine if she had met the new nun, Sister Liu.

Smile...This may not appear in my story.

Also the Brothers loved to go the Cathay cinema to watch movies. One evening one of them fell down because he stepped on his own robe.
We were so worried about the "fallen brother". Smile.

I watched a lot of movies in Cathay (very often free ) so I knew they watched a lot of movies.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing the stories. Yes, I remember Liu San Chieh. It is funny that the Brothers asked about it. Sometimes, I wonder what they think them being only whites among all the the black hairs.

After his retirement at Sacred Heart School, he joined St Patrick. Later he went to China (Fuzhou if I am not mistaken) to take up the post of English teacher.
